It was a day like any other day on Coruscant. Actually looking up at the sky above the tall couldn't exactly tell.
I came to Coruscant after a brief mission to explore their vast libraries. I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for but I loved to learn...especially about technology and the cut up images displaying its interior mechanisms.
After a week with 6-8 hours a day at the libraries, I would spend my evenings taking in the sites at the Trail Blazer bar, located in the middle class section of Coruscant. I didn't drink, which I am sure made the bar tender happy, I kind of liked studying people to learn from them. Not so much to gain high intellectual information but just to see how much it would take one to drink before he became a drunk wandering idiot.
The seventh day of my visit was different. As I
entered the bar I noticed a Wookie that I recognized from before. I couldn't put a finger on it, where I had seen him before and to adorn my curiosity, I decided to approach the Harry beast who was sitting across the room. As I approached the Wookie, I was thinking to myself, am I crazy...I am going to die. I then realized that I am in a room full of as long as I stay here..."get a hold of your self Jovin." When I got to the other side of the room I pulled out my data pad and looked up at the towering beast I said very nervously...Hello. A human rough cut man wearing a dark leather jacket and leggings doming a Heavy Blaster attached to one hip and a Blaster at the other, walks up to the Wookie and completely ignoring the fact that I was just talking to him.
The Smug man says hello and guess what? He doesn't know how to speak Sheriiwook (the Wookie language), and I end up translating for him....imagine that. I find out that the man's name is Kaibo Ren. I also find out that the Wookie is High Claw of the Kerrimum clan and still not knowing where I recognized him from...or really he me.
After watching and translating this conversation for awhile, a young r
obed human female comes over, looks at us and walks back over to two other robed characters, another male Human and a female Cerean. Even though Coruscant has the Jedi Council, the main fortress for all the Jedi, I never expected to see Jedi come to a middle class bar, let alone three.
I wasn't sure if she was looking at me, the harry creature or the other harry creature. I decided to keep quiet. My family had some un-pleasant runins with force users in the past and I wasn't sure it was worth mentioning anything because I might just say something that might agrevate the situtation...even more. Besides they are Jedi....what can a lonely slicer do to them...nothing...nada...zilch, except maybe mess with their computer systems a bit.
The three of them came back over and suddenly I got a message over my head communicator. The message mentions that Sith pirates have attacked a ship and then it list a bunch of people....including me. What would I have to do with Sith pirates. It goes on by saying that these people are supposed to report via transport to receive orders and help out. Priority One. After listening to this message, I looked up and noticed that the others around me also got this message.
Once introducing ourselves to one another, we decide to follow the transmission. Well the Jedi always have the duty thing to follow, so no decision was made there. But me Kaibo and High Claw chose to follow along. The human female Jedi's name was Amritsu. The human male Jedi is Garr....and he seemed very garish like.... I wasn't sure what I thought of him but first impressions always leave faulty accusations. The female Cerean was not a Jedi but actually a Force-Adept. It would be interesting to see her different views on things compared to the Jedi.
We all head out of the bar and on our way to the transport, an announcement comes out over the P.A. system. "Sith attacks on a ship have occured, please have your IDs ready for the guards and droids." We decide to pick up our pace to get to the transport, but spot a character running around a corner. We decided to follow him because he was the only one not pulling out his ID. Just as we come around the corner he just finished up a conversation on the wall panel nearby. About to grab for his weapon, Kaibo puts his hands on his own blasters pulling one out...he shouts "Stop". The Wookie grabs the guy by the arms and they both begin to question him.
Noticing that that have things pretty much in hand, I go around back of the guy and try to hack into the computer, hoping to determine what the last communication was that he made. It must have been the lack of sleep, seeing a Wookie or encountering the Jedi that made me mess up because I failed and sirens went off.
Two human guards and two droids questioned us as to why we where holding this man hostage, why we hacked into the computer and why we wheren't presenting our IDs. Trying to answer as best as we could without giving too much of our situation away, suddenly three Force-Like characters arrive and start to attack us and the guards.
The battle persists as I examine the remainders of the droids but out of the corner of my eye I notice that the others, the Jedi likes, are battling Swoop Punks. Once the battles are almost over, we notice that all the bodies go hurling off the edge. Kaibo looks up and after following his gaze, we see a Cerean Sith. She speaks with distain in her voice "That is what you get for the price of failure". Then she jumps up and flies off over the edge.
We found out that the guy we held at gunpoint name is "Pinn" who is a councillor on Coruscant and to our dismay he was just calling for backup...